God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Circus Tent. Encouraged To Exersize.

I fell asleep in my recliner chair and began dreaming very lucid
and real type dreams today.

In the dream I was in the living room where my recliner chair is. I had cleared out some of the furniture in the dream to provide room for exercising. Suddenly a strip of linoleum was there and I was using some sort of wheeled device in both my hands and I would fall straight down on the floor as the devices made me roll out straight then Id lift back up. All while I was doing that there was an older plump motherly black woman behind me urging me on to keep on keeping on to get stronger and healthier. She seemed to be rather concerned for me.

Outside the living room window it was a bright sunny summer day and a circus tent of some sort was set up. I was wondering if anyone was gonna camp in my yard. I was worried that my husband would be angry that the circus tent was put up butted up to our house corner and yard.

All during the dream I kept having fear that my husband would come home from work and be angry over the circus tent and activities going on outside our house. I heard the back door open and heard his footsteps coming in, but I never saw him. It was so real I woke up thinking he was home as I felt the doom that comes with worrying about someone getting upset.

Recent Happenings and The Evergreen Airplane Dream

I haven't been blogging a lot of my recent dreams and visuals.
I was in the hospital for a week which didn't help any.

I am concerned that the past few months my dreams have not been as prophetic
as they normally are. Someone suggested that perhaps that might be because God is
increasing me in another gift while the seer gifting rest. I don't know, it's possible.

I've had rather bad stress going on which hasn't been helping my health lately nor anything else so perhaps that too might be interfering with my dreams and visuals?

Nevertheless I'm still here, alive, breathing and enjoying the Creator's creations.

Last night I dreamed that I was inside a very large airplane that was grounded. I saw my youngest unbuckled and I got after her to put her seat belt on. Inside the plane it had levels like an upstairs. Inside it did not look like a plane with rows of seats. The upstairs had a store section where my one niece's husband was in charge of doing the selling and trading. I traded him a large jar of brand name peanut butter for 2 eggs that he had already broke into a container. In my dream I was thinking that it was an unfair trade.

Outside of the plane window I saw a large forest growing along the coast but I did not see the body of water. The plane seemed to be parked on the beach or close to it.
On the outskirts of the forest was a massive giant thick tall evergreen tree that was bigger then any I've ever saw in the waking world. It was the only one like it as it stood amongst 1000s of non-evergreen trees. It would sometimes bend down all the way to the ground like it was falling, then it would suddenly stand back up tall and strong. It seemed as though the wind was blowing only it down then it would come back up.
Most folks could not see that happening even though they were also looking out the window although a few people did see it including a middle aged man on the plane.

Part of the time There was a roller coaster somewhere outside of the plane that people were riding.

What does it all mean? I have an idea on a few things but at this time I don't know for sure. I just know it stands out in my memory.