God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wind Walker

Wind Walker is the name recently given to me by my friend whom is a Christian Miami Indian elder.
He felt it impressed upon him that my name is to be Wind Walker because I am so sentivite to the Holy Spirit "riding the wind" with Him walking with Him.
It is humbling to say the least. Am I worthy of such a name and description?
I cant help but to think that Im not good enough for such a meaningful name
due to how imperfect I am. I have sinned. I make mistakes. I get caught up in wrong mindsets. etc. But seriously does all that matter down deep?

King David of the Bible was a horrid sinner who killed and cheated and seemed to keep messing things up. But even so he still had a heart for the Lord relying on Him and trusting in Him and being willing to be His servent and used by Him. And God blessed him mightily for that despite Kind David's many errors.
I do not claim to come even close to being like Kind David or anyone else. I am me the me God made me to be.
It's humbling to know that my words and actions carry more weight then I thought they did.

Such a responsibility that I have failed at so many times :(
But every time that I call out to Jesus to lift me up and help me pick myself back up
He does. He never leaves my side saying things like:
 "well, she really messed that up I'm done with her!"
Instead He keeps on loving us giving us new chances.
Can I ride the Wind well enough?
Can I walk with the Wind well enough?
Not in my own human understanding and strength I cant. But in Him and His strength I can.
 Servant of the Lord,
Wind Walker
----------------------Click below link for the song "Ride The Wind" by Broken Arrows.---------------

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Seer Training Elder Confirmation

Wow, how things finally work out!

All of my life I've known I wasn't like everyone else. I tend to see things way out of the box while most others see with in the box. I don't tend to look on things like most others do. I am my own person independent.

Others know I'm "different".

It seems as though most people can only handle me in small doses. I don't talk to most others about the things I see and feel.  I don't say things to freak them out and stuff like that.

I've always known my dreams have been potent and amazing. So real like full of things people cant believe.

I lived 41 years with God training me slowly over time showing me things which I now know was preparing me for when the time was right. Then this year a month before I turned 42 God lead me to a group of Christians who would not think I was a nut and would discern things about me. They, especially the preacher, helped me via the knowledge of God. One thing lead to another and my God given gifting began increasing and growing and now I am friends with a Miami Indian Chief Elder who is a Godly man and Prophet going to my church.

He confirmed tonight that I am a seer as I had expected. He is slowly going to be helping train me. And the extra exciting fact is that he is respectful and loving to the Native ways since he too is Native. It takes a Native to get a Native.

A Godly for real Prophet training me in the seer gifting whom is also a Native like myself. Yeah, way to cool hey?

He said God will restore all that satan as taken from me over my lifetime. God will heal the broken and lonely heart. The poor health. The money issues. All is to be restored.

My God given seer gifting is to be increased big time.

To good to be true?

My heart is happy.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Odd Ball DNA

For several weeks now I've been seeing what appears to be DNA strands such as the picture I posted above. I see them turning around.

I posted this in an online prophetic Christian group. The response is there too:

I posted:
"For about 2 weeks now I've been seeing what appears to be DNA strands like the picture below. Why might this be?"

Someone responded with:
"God is showing you that you are one of a kind... a special creation made by Him. And just as the DNA strands determine every detail of who you are physically He is individualizing your spiritual life and has a specific purpose for you in His kingdom."

My response to that:
"what you said reached a part of my heart and made me cry out to the Lord for more help, strength and guidance. I believe you are 100% correct.
Last night at church someone said about the same thing to me without me saying anything about seeing the DNA strands.
People keep telling me Im one of a kind.
Some belittle me for being different.
Some like me for being different.
I fit in with every group and do not fit in with any group at the same time.
God has always used my differentness but now He is using it more and more.
I see Him working in me to befriend people others cant without me having to be preachy, pushy and Bible thumping.
Thank you :)"

Someone had just told me that last night and others have indicated it before too. I guess it confirms it to me. I had been realizing it slowly over time.

OK, so now am I using this "gift of differentness" correctly?

Last night an elder and prophet had said that I was the current spiritual authority over a friend I've been bringing to church and counseling with. I am not a pastor or anything like that so the words struck me deep and made me realize that I have got to make sure I'm taking things seriously and be careful of my actions and words so I don't cause spiritual harm to my friend and others I'm speaking with. Wow! Humbling and sobering! I've got to make sure I'm a good girl, lol.

Multiple times a day I've been having to cry out to the Lord for help. Am I giving the correct response to people? Am I doing it right? I worry about that kind of stuff.

I've always been the different one and people see and know it soon after meeting me it seems. Either they do or don't like me.

I let my freak flag fly I guess. And most people don't seem to care and in fact many like it.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm-all-that. I know I'm just as much of a sinner as anyone else is. I screw up like everyone else. But like every other Christian I have chosen Jesus and therefor He covers my screw ups and I get another chance to do it right.

I've known for a while that only I can take on the friendships of certain people that others can not. I see the beautify in the plants, people and environments that others cant. I know because of my different ways of thinking and my seemingly odd perspectives that I come across as a really different sort of person.

Sometimes it hurts and I feel lonely not having anyone else who understands. But this year 2013 God has been placing people in my path who feel similarly to me due to their special uniqueness. I'm not alone.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Retangle With 4 Doors.

Out in the wooded wilderness there was a large rectangle outlined with trees.

On each side of the rectangle was a door each of a different color.
The colors were yellow, purple, white and black.
Here is what the doors opened up into:

Yellow door:  Opened into God's bounty such as flowers, fruits, water,
 greenery, trees, plants, etc. His lovely bounty. Bright day.

Purple door:  Opened into a room that had purple flooring and walls. In this room was gold and many wrapped gifts of various sizes, shapes and colors.

White door:  Opened into a room that contained a bright amazing bright, very bright white glowing light. It was so white it made it somewhat hard to see the angels all standing in a long line at the door waiting to be told what to do for God and when they get their job orders they go carry out His will. I believe since we are not to worship the angels that is why their presence is not strong enough to be seen clearly in that bright white glow. The Light is of the Lord, His amazing presence taking over. An amazing light that is so bright I cant describe it in words but the brightness does not hurt your eyes, it does not blind you.

Black door:  If it were to be opened it opens the door to hell with all the demonic influences rushing out to go do the bidding and will of their evil master. The door knob was jiggling. A demon was looking through the keyhole watching me. I knew that if I did or said something sinful/wrongful mindset, etc. that it would open that black door which gives the demonic world the spiritual authority to come cause us trouble. You know like anger, unforgivenss, lust, jealously, hatred, adultery, fornication, bitterness, easily offended, fighting etc.
It's ok to feel emotions but it is what we do with them that can get us into trouble. And when we do the wrong thing with those emotions and temptations we open that black door and give the evil ones the authority to do their destruction into our lives. Whenever you get those negative thoughts don't keep wallering in them. Instead pray about it, pray for direction and truth. Don't go talking to everyone about it because they only leads to them thinking negative about the person or situation. It's ok to talk about things but make it be a trusted godly person whom you know wont go blabber and judge. But sometimes some things need not to be said and should only be prayed about.

In the vision a bright white sword came out of no where and sliced off the door knob on the black door. Then a putty or cement or something was plastered over the keyhole so the vision of the evil spirits behind that door was blocked.

I turned my back to that black door and looked upon the other 3 doors which were open.
I know we cant be perfect. We sin, we screw up, we are imperfect. We need not live a legalistic life trying to always think and feel and do the perfect things in order to please God. That would not be joy would it? We cant have joy by living by tons of rules that our earthly flesh cant 24/7 obey. So don't live rigged.

But also don't go in the other direction and live too loosely thinking we can go do whatever we want because after all God loves us anyways and Jesus died for those sins so why not go do what I want? That too is a dangerous mind set to have, a spiritually deadly mind set.

I think both the legalistic and the loose living mindsets open the black door.