God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A friends demented evil father harrassing me and my loving dad called to rescue me.

Last night I did not sleep well due to a health issue waking me up off and on all night long. During the few hours that I did actually sleep well I had a disturbing dream.

I was with an old school friend in what was supposed to be her bedroom in a 2 or 3 story house in the upstairs out in the country that was on the same land/property the house was that I lived in for the 1st 7 years of my life. The outside of the house had lots of piles of junk, old cars, etc.. I saw the placement of her bed and various things in her room. Her and I was hiding in there from her dad. The dad in the dream did not look or sound like her real dad.

The room was like our protection, but he found me in her room though and began harassing me yelling at me, threatening me telling the vile things he wanted to do to me and tried to handle me and I fought back. He was saying that he was saving me for later to molest me. I looked at my friend and she was acting as if this was normal behavior for her dad and was going through her top dresser drawer as if he wasn't actually yelling and threatening.

I continued to fight back. Her mother (who also did not look like her real mother) came into the room after the dad left and went about the room doing housework and talking about how her husband was just like that and that is how it is. She was nervously flitting about the room doing stuff and talking fast. I knew she was not going to try and protect me because she was too beat down after years of being in a marriage to an abusive controlling awful man.

By this point we were trapped up in that room. I kept trying to use a phone to call my dad to come save me.  I had to fiddle with the land line phone cord to make the phone work well enough to make a call. Finally I got to a phone after much difficulty and got it to work after having to call home over and over.

I finally got out of the house and was on the highway facing home. On both sides of the highway were tall cornfields. A patch of tall healthy looking dark green corn was growing in the highway. I hid in it and watched for my dad waiting for him to hurry and get there. I just knew that he was gonna be my savior and get me away from my friends horrid dad. My friend didn't seem to want to escape, to her the abuse was a normal thing I guess. I felt such good and safe feelings about my dad and how much I loved him and how everything was gonna be alright once he got there to take me home to safety.

At some point in the dream the house transformed into a church type place and in place of the friends bedroom became a larger room with bench seats where church services were held. It seemed like all the church goers were fat and female. Mostly female anyways.

The church goers kept reassuring me that I was not in error.

During church services me and all the other ladies were wearing the exact same outfits but mine was ripped up and too immodest for my taste which made me uncomfortable and I tried leaving the service to find something else to cover up with. I was then in my friends bedroom looking for some kind of clothing when her dad shows up yelling again.

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