God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sexual Filth and Prophetic Dreaming Or A Nightmare Brought About By My Worries For Some Of My Relatives.

In a previous post I had explained a vision I had about some of my relatives who are in serious spiritual bondage and don't even realize it. In the vision I saw that bright white sword making an arch of protection over them.

Over this past weekend I had a dream about 1 of those families and how filthy immoral sex was their main issues as if it were some kind of generational curse and probably is. I dreamed that the curse and main issue lay with the mother and teenaged girls in that family during this time but I know it goes back even farther. The father isn't the spiritual leader and does not live in the same house. In fact there is no spiritual anything good it would appear from looking in from the outside.

Any ways in the nightmare an unseen filthy sexual force was harassing the mother and teenaged daughters. One of them or perhaps all were in grave danger due to the sexual immorality and curse,but I don't know if that means spiritually or physically. I don't know which one was in the main danger.

I don't know what that all means for sure. It cold mean an STD or an unwanted pregnancy. Or it could mean further annulation of what little bit of spiritual integrity they may have which means their very souls are in danger.

Don't get me wrong I don't think sex is bad or filthy. It is a good thing God invented for us but only if done with in the right parameters which is with in marriage and ONLY with our spouse, other wise when done outside of God's commandments it leads to terrible things like STDs, molestations, rapes, peeping toms, adultery, prostitution and other forms of sexual perversion.

The devil took what God made to be good (sex) and made it into vile things like porn, sex crimes, adultery and so on. The devil and his demons have been good at doing that, they take what God made for good and distort it making it into something evil.

Im not the parent of the teens in the family above. I have no legal grounds to tell them the danger I see for their teen girls. I have made remarks off and on and said some things attempting but to no avail. All I can do is pray for them. Whatever the curse is on them goes back as far as the great-great-grandpa from what I know of and perhaps father back. The sexual filth of adultery literally goes from generation to generation creating screwed up offspring emotionally, mentally, spiritually and morally. They aren't bad people per say, they have been good to me and have helped me. I have had many good times and laughs with them. They would not steal from others or harm others. They are not monsters. They are humans beings with feelings and emotions created by God but choosing to keep living in diabolical sins without the spiritual and mental wherewithal to do anything about it.

What to do?

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