God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Suck It Up Butter Cup and Deflate That Big Head Of Yours and Lift Your Trodden Down Head To The Lord!

Are you wanting to be esteemed and held in high regard?

There is nothing wrong with needing some praise, respect and back patting. We all need encouraged and lifted up from time to time to help keep our moral boosted, but I warn you do not ever let it go to your head.

Never over praise a person unless you want to be the cause of their swollen heads.

When we float too high from swollen heads we will be brought down fast!

You WILL be wrong at times!

You WILL fail at times!

And all that is ok for no human can be 100% perfect.

When someone confronts you with your error take it like a man (or woman) and suck it up. Yeah, it hurts but suck it up buttercup because that is life. Pray about it and see what God has to say about it.

On the other side of the coin is those who are too humble never taking a pleasant 'thank you' and compliment. Being too humble is just of a spiritual sickness as being a big head is.

Go ahead and take a compliment, we all need them, but if you ever find yourself thinking you are better, smarter, that your gifting is better and that you know more then others then watch out because you are now a big head and big heads come down hard and painful! Knock it down a notch sista or brotha! Come back down to earth and relocate your mind!

Remember it is not you with the power. It is Him and only Him.

Agree to disagree respectfully and politely with others when needed. There is no need to argue or make them look bad because they don't see things your way. And just because someone does not agree with you does NOT mean they are disrespecting you! Get over yourself NOW and go on in whatever YOUR gifting is! You are loved no matter your gifting, no matter your mistakes, no matter your regrets!

Sometimes some people need to be humbled often because of how if they get too much power, money or a big following they become big heads taking the glory for themselves. And some never ever take a pat on the back as they waller in low self esteem and emotional filth. Neither is good!

For the too humble low self esteemed types: Pick up your head and old it high, not so high that you cant see those in front of you , but hold it up and look out before you. Look at what He has given you to do and go do it to the best of your ability not someone else's ability. No one is better then you. No one is worse then you. All is loved just like you.You are you the God made you as and as a child of God you must hold your head up and look straight out at your task and your blessings. You are not lowly trash! God don't make trash ya know!

Lord forgive me for having been guilty of both at times.

Look to Him.

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