God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Unloved Females and Native Americans.

Most of my adult life I have felt like God doesn't seem to love females as much. I look at how during ancient Biblical times females were treated as if they did not matter. Kings would have tons of female sex slaves known as concubines. I've heard male teachers excuse this practice as "just the way it was back then" excuses. But just because a certain practice has become the norm does not make it an excusesable practice! Wrong is wrong no matter the time frame and cultrure.

But it was not God being cruel to the females it was humans doing it all. We still see the abuse of females today especially in the Middle East and Asia. Still sex slavery exist except for now it is under ground and no longer an allowable thing legally.

I've seen churches misunderstand the Bible and twist Bible verses and use that as an excuse to not use females for anything other then cleaning the church toilets and working in the nursery. What they have done is a shame and they have missed out on many blessings because of it.

Tonight, once again, I was telling God how I feel that He does not love me and other females as much as men even though my spirit knows He does. But still I sometimes feel unloved as a female. My feelings and spirit often conflict each other. But never the less an emotion is an emotion and can still be strong and moving.

This year I have learned to ask God to talk to me via visual means because that is how I can better understand. So I did that again tonight after telling Him of the hurt I feel over females being abused so much with in many churches and around the world. I told Him I was not feeling so loved by Him since I was a female.

Suddenly in my minds eye I saw myself as a Native American female (thus is my ancestry) standing there wrapped in the historical and typical buck skin wrap for warmth and protection. Sadness was on my face. I was alone in the darkness.

Then He came to me. I saw Him as a colorless being, transparent. He was behind me and reached His arms around me to hold  and comfort me. This made me happy and I got a smile as I held onto my wrap and stretched out my arms making it look as if I was stretching my wings.

I then began to dance Native American style as the Lord danced with me. It was good. He was dancing with me happily and I with Him. I have tears in my eyes as I type this because it touches me. For centuries people portraying Christians harmed and abused the Native Americans thus making most modern natives not wanting anything to do with Jesus. But Jesus Himself loves the natives and does not want them to be abused.

The Lord was happily pow wow dancing with me in my Native regalia and it was all good :)

Because of His strength
 I endured, grew stronger
 and endured. 
Some day it will be me
there by His side being
escorted to that wonderful
home that we have never
been to. Heaven.

The Christian Native American  music artists known as Broken Walls touches me. Here is a link to a few of their youtube songs and so some other links:

My favorite sounding one 1st:


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