God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Monday, July 15, 2013

My Missions Statement and Announcement that I am not a psychic, wiccan, mystic, witch or pagan of any sort. Only Jesus IS my Lord!

The short version:
I have no power other then the power of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I accept and believe that Jesus is God and came in the flesh born to a virgin who later on died for our sins and arose from death paying the ultimate price for us.
Most of these mental pictures/visions/dreams/mental videos are pertaining to me due to not wanting to type out all the ones I see for others due to time and their privacy although I do sometimes type out some about others.

-----------------------The longer version below------------------------------

I need to and want to make it clear that I am not a psychic, wiccan, mystic, witch, druid or pagan nor do I wish to be. I do not abhor the people who practice those ungodly religions. I do not hate them. I do not wish them ill will, but I do not agree with who they serve and I want nothing to do with their beliefs and practices.

I believe that each human being is gifted with their own unique special gifting from God that is befitting for them. As humans we have the freedom to serve either Good (Jesus) or evil (satan and his demons).I believe that most people who partake in the above mentioned religions often do not purposely set out to serve satan and if they realized that they were they would not wish to continue doing so. But we have a choice. We can choose God or not and it would appear that most people with the special more uncommon prophetic gifting choose to serve satan (some knowingly and some unknowingly) because they were turned away by the churches.

Sadly in many instances over the centuries well meaning but seriously wrong, judgmental and unloving Christians have used the name of the Lord to abuse, torture and kill the people in the afore mentioned religions. Their sudden and strong hatred of those people was no doubt fueled by fear, paranoia and rumors. And it some cases they had legitimate reasons to fear some of those people of those religions due to some people having the ability to use their pophetic gifting for evil in terribly powerful ways.

Anyways because of the centuries of abuse from both sides warring at each other today we can still see the affects. When the non saved think that the all saved people are judgmental, holier then thou ridged stick in the mud legalist slamming on everyone then why would anyone think it is a good thing to serve the Lord?  Sadly those people lack the Truth and they allow their past hurts to blind them spiritually. If only they would choose to see through the blindness and to see that serving the Lord, the real Lord, our Creator and Savior is the real way and the only good way.

satan and his demons and the people who serve them come in many disguises and can even appear good and kind and so understanding. This makes it confusing for hurting people and leads them astray creating strong ties and loyalties.

No matter what our gifts are we can choose to use them for the Lord or not. That means signing, music, teaching and many more. Who do you choose to use it for?

Throughout my life I have been drawn to evil practices and interested in them. I know I have the ability to use "magic" (for a lack of a better word sorry) to harm others and knowingly did so 2 times in my youth which I am ashamed of and have prayed many times for forgiveness and for the people I hurt to be blessed and saved and freed from any curse I placed on them in any way. I knew it was wrong and instantly asked God for help and forgiveness never doing it again. I just knew it was not of God and what is not of God is not good. But some how I knew what to do to get what I wanted. I was being drawn to the dark side as are all people with prophetic gifting. But we can be strong minded and choose to not work for the dark side.

Now in my older and wiser years I am seeing my faithfulness to not give up on God and to keep holding onto Him blessing me. No I am not perfect. I still mess up. I have more learning and growing to do. I was not and have not been perfect, but I always believed and never let go. Now God is showing me how to use my gifting better.

 I constantly fear that I might be doing something sinful and against God with my prophetic gifting. I don't ever want to fall into doing witch craft. My legalistic religious upbringing still whispers shame, guilt and distrust into my ears making me slow to accept the full gospel and my own gifting and that of other prophetic Christians.

But despite my many imperfections God keeps on keeping on with me. Just as He does for you and as He did for King David who seemed to always mess things up in a giant way.

So yes I dream, have visions, see mental pictures, feel things, etc. but I do not do it for evil or money. I often pray prayers like this "Lord don't let me say or do something that is not of you when it comes to the mental pictures, dreams and so on. Don't let me say it, do it or write it if I am mistaken and it is not correct. Don't let me unknowingly fall into witchcraft"

Now, after so long, I am finally beginning to trust that the Lord is hearing and honoring that prayer.

I have chosen to not use my real name in this blog due to the still extreme false teachings with in western churches. There is still so much judgment towards Christians whose gifting is on the "different" scale. We seemed to have fallen into a trap thinking that the only acceptable gifts are singing, teaching and preaching and that anyone without those gifts are basically peons. There is no child of God who is a peon. All children of God have special gifting of some sort but most don't know it and it gets suppressed and not used.

But now, today, western Christians are beginning to see the Truth.

Jesus who is God and the son of God came in the flesh to become human of a miracle virgin birth to teach humans and die for our sins so that if we choose Him of our own free will we don't have to go to hell. And then 3 days after He died for us He rose from the dead.
I believe in the Holy Trinity.
Jesus is my savior,  my Lord, my Redeemer, my Protecter and Strengh, my Forgiver and the true and real lover of my soul.

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