God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Mental picture over load. One was close to being too powerful, it stirred my emotions.

At church on June 30, 2013 Sunday I had arrived too early so I sat outside the church reading and praying for a little bit. I prayed that I would see more good stuff and instead of mostly only the bad stuff like I usually do.

Instantly I saw a golden white line outlining the top of a bowling alley and bar. That didn't make any since to me, why would a place where the towns people with severally  bad moral choices hang out be lined in the gold and bright white that I so often see with Christians and those especially anointed?

The thought came to me that Jesus died for them too! There are some Christians in there as well. Why shouldn't God bless a place and those people as well? I confessed my judgmentalism.

In church a regular attender brought a friend to church with him. She walked in and the typical pleasantries were exchanged like "hi my name is ____ how are you?"

Then I saw all kind of multicolored beautiful flowers growing out of her back and happily swaying. I thought that was befitting of her because already I could tell she was a kind hearted soul. A bit later I saw like a see through image of Jesus standing directing in front of her about 2 feet away maybe. I saw Jesus reach through her chest and pick one of the white flowers from her back and He then pulled the flower through her chest and out her body and held it in His hands as He smelled its lovely fragrance and smiled with pleasure.

It was a powerful mental picture to me because it was Jesus Himself. The visual was so emotionally sensitive that I started crying as I told her about it later. To see Jesus enjoying a human being so much. It still makes me teary eyed. It came over me off and on and there for a bit I thought maybe I should silently walk out of church and walk home so I could cry like a baby because I felt kind of overwhelmed and needed to cry but not in a sad or bad way.

I'm not sure why that visual came so strong for that young lady but it did. I don't know what her gifts or life story is. She walks with those crutches things where it braces her arms and I notice her one leg (perhaps) both had some kind of brace on it.  I don't know what her aliment is but it doesn't matter anyways. Whatever and whoever she is she has an extra special blessing of some sort about her. I know she is still a human and sins and like us all has probably did her share of mistakes but none of us can ever be perfect and that doesn't prevent us from receiving blessings. And like God loved King David so much even though he kept messing up God has apparently chosen to have some extra love for that young lady too. The happy pleased look on Jesus face was so intense.

I was having a ton of visuals. A lot. So many I could not write the all down or tell them. I was starting to feel like it was getting to be a bit too much.

I only told 2 of them, 1 to the young lady and the other to a young man. I saw a golden white vine coiling around the young man's right leg then once it got to his torso it turned green and leafy and wrapped around once. I knew it was meant as a "it's gonna be ok" type of thing and told him so. Later on he told me that his right leg has suddenly been hurting him badly this week for un known reasons and one day it was so bad he could hardly walk.

Another visual I remember was the pastor had 3 long golden white "spears" going through him at a slant. The spears lifted him up to the ceiling and held him there like a hammock kind of. To me that means a special comfort for the Lord I think?

I saw music notes as if they were flowers as they were on stems coming off the guitar and swaying during the songs. Music notes also danced about around the 2 guitars and on the wall in front of us as well as golden white linings.

There was a lot more. I don't remember them all. Too much to type out. But the young man confirming what I saw as helped encourage me because I had been praying for some kind of confirmation and to know that I'm not doing anything sinful and wrong with my visuals. I don't want to go against God.

The young lady's visual still affects me but not in a bad way. I shall be thinking of and pondering on that and the visual of the young man and his words this week.

I pray for total healing of the young man. I have also prayed blessings (more then she already has) on that young lady, and protection for her and even healing.