God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Get Off Your Duff Churches!

It's about time churches start teaching the real Truth!

For centuries we in the west have been poisoned with a well meaning falsity.

No I don't think pastors are doing it on purpose. Most all of the pastors I've known truly love the Lord and preach to the best of their ability and they have did some mighty great things sacrificing much. Our churches have come to the rescue and helped so very many people and sent out missionaries all over the world to feed, medicate and teach people everywhere. This is a good thing!

But what are we missing?

We are missing togetherness in Truth and belief as we divide up into categories known as denominations all based off of man made interpretations and rules.

Rules made to control not bring others to Him.

Rules made to cause guilt and shame if not followed.

I'm so sick of it! Not all the gifts from the Holy Spirit are being accepted and used! Where and when did the church start going so blind?

The Bible clearly states that speaking on tongues is not wrong. No I'm not one to speak it much but I do know what the Bible says about it so therefor I believe it!

They rose the dead from the grave via the power of Jesus and Jesus said that we too could so why don't we see it?

They healed the sick so why cant we? Jesus is the same now and then so why cant we heal?

Did you know that in the poor countries they see healings? And why wouldn't they? They have no other alternative to turn to but the Lord, they don't have food and clothing banks along with food stamps and medicaid to pay for their health care needs. They have nothing but God so they turn to Him and He takes care of them.

We on the other hand have long since forgotten what it's like to heal and help people in the Grace of God causing miracles to happen. Where is our faith?

I'm sick of every time a Christian mentions that they had a dream or vision or that they spoke in tongues that they are considered as idiots in error. I'm so sick of the wimpy gospel where we have no Power to do a darn thing. Stand up and be a warrior for Jesus don't just go on living Powerless!

One of the greatest spiritual tragedies is churches no longer believing in the amazing super natural power of the Lord. There is a constant spiritual battle around us all the time. Rise up and fight! But we simply can not see it, we ration things away trying to make logical since of things when some times there is no logic or since to something because it is controlled by our enemy! Rise up warriors!

This does not mean we must blame everything on the enemy. Sometimes bad things just happen, but nevertheless you can stand and fight with the Power of Jesus! Nothing, and I mean nothing can beat Jesus!

I'm so sick off the Christians with a different sort of gifting getting thrown by the wayside as if their gifts don't matter and they are stupid. Not everyone is slated to sing, teach and preach ya know. Some of us are gifted differently and in a way others can not comprehend just as I cant comprehend how to sing and preach. Stop only allowing some gifts and ignoring others. Open your sickenly blinded eyes to the Truth and see that God is so much more then just a few gifts!

The time is now to get off your duff and know who you truly are in Him!

Don't look at the next person because they don't know what's up either. Instead look towards Him the Creator of all things.

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