God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Most MEANINGFUL dream to me. Under strong spriritual evil attack during thses dreams. Found the protection of God in an unlikely place.

Dream typed out on April 6, 2009.

This dream is very meaningful to me and so very clear as to its meaning. I/we was under spiritual attack from demonic forces.
From Friday to Sunday I was going threw some rather bad trails and dealing with some sever issues from someone else.

Sunday night I cried out to Jesus for protection and help. The help came last night about an hour or so after I gave it to God and cried out to Jesus.

It is Monday now. From Thursday to Saturday I had dreams that evil demonic beings in the form of T- rex dinosaurs ( yeah I know it sounds corny) where roaming about the earth devouring people. Everywhere they went they brought terror, strife, fear, death and trouble. Just seeing them and feeling them near by was nearly debilitating and tended to cause panic with in me and others.

I kept trying to hide but could not. No where I hid was safe. The fear was grasping me deep with in my soul. In one dream I climbed as high in a tree as I could trying to escape the demon dinos. One saw me and came to the tree. The cats were climbing up the tree too. I don't know where the people were at this point but I figure they were eaten up because I saw the demons attacking them out in the fields.

Anyways some of the cats climbed up higher and higher in order to escape the demon. Others just sat there on a low limb as if it was normal for an evil T-rex to growl and scream at them while he grabbed them up eating them. It tried reaching me. I climbed as far as I could and wondered how painful it would be to be eaten by it.

The fear was griping. But it tried and tried and could not reach me.Those dreams went from Thursday night to Saturday night. And then Sunday night (last night) while awake I cried out to Jesus for help. Help came and the troubling situation was lifted from me. I had not been handling my troubling situation as well as I should have. In the dreams I did not feel much protection but still received it some how.

But last night I had the most troubling dream compared to the others I had the past few nights but some how felt some protection even tho I was fearful.In last nights dream I saw and felt one of the most powerful vial horrid demon creatures I had ever felt/saw before in a dream. It could fly. It was huge with big eyes. It was kind of shaped and colored like a cloud but very large. It would fly around always looking for people. Its giant eyes were always watching and moving from side to side looking. looking..... looking.It held its big wide mouth open and engulfed with in it locations, houses and lots of people.

Everywhere it went it brought about terror, pain, fear, and death. There was no escape. There was no hiding place. No weapon could stop it. I was out in the country side in a location not known by me. I had some how got the feeling that the thing was looking for me and that this time I was its main target.

I came upon this old small beat up house trailer. It did not look like anything that could protect me from that creature. There was a hill beside it mostly blocking the view of the fancy rich homes next to it. People were outside of those fancy homes screaming in terror and being killed.

I looked at those nice homes and people and felt like it was unsafe seeking shelter amongst them. I was dirty, hungry and thirsty. I went inside the old trailer. Inside the old trailer was food water and a shower. An old lady in the trailer washed my clothes and I was able to shower and be clean. I knew it was coming for me. I got the feeling it could also not only see people but smell us too thus searching for us by sight and scent. I looked out the window and saw it in the sky coming towards the trailer.

I some how felt safe in that old trailer but my mind knew that a beat up old trailer like this could not stop a creature like that. But some how I was safe. The creature was about to fly over the trailer as I watched its roaming eyes looking for me. It normally destroyed homes it flew over. But it flew over the house trailer as if it did not even see it. It never even focused its eyes on the trailer. I could feel its evilness. Evil like that grips one to their soul.

I now think I know what the dreams mean. With the 3 nights of dreams of demonic T-rex dinos they represented the evil forces that were about to and were giving me much strife and trouble and trails over the weekend. The pain and heartache and stress. I was not feeling much protection in those dreams because during those days in my waking hours I was not giving it all to God as much as I should have but even so He was with me.

The dream with the evil flying thing and the house trailer is meaningful to me. The flier was more then just an ordinary demon. Perhaps one of greater power I don't know. But it also represented much stress and trouble, trouble that could lead to bad bad stuff if I had allowed myself to been caught up in it. The beat up old small house trailer represented God. Yeah I know that might make some flip out but hear me out. That old trailer did not look like anything people would flock to.

It was ordinary but there for anyone to come in and for anyone who was seeking help and safety. It was as if the hill was purposly blocking the view of the trailure from the people in the fancy homes just like our sins sometimes block us from seeing the truth and reaching out for God. With in the trailer was safety and comfort and the things I needed just as with God.

The evil vial creature flying over the trailer could not see me or harm me because the trailer (God) was shielding me and protecting me from the creatures sight and since of smell.It shows me that we can expect God in areas that we would never expect such as the beat up old small house trailer.

With in that trailer was the safety, comfort and life every person wanted but they kept refusing to go to it and open the door to see inside of it. Instead they chose their fancy homes just as in real life people so often do not choose God for their help.

I had that dream last night after I gave the troubling situation all to God.

Herding people together imprisioning them along with an angel. People healed of sever illnesses so they can be slaves/work.

Dream typed out on march 14, 2009.

Very recently I had this dream:

Like almost always the handicapped and the children and babies are gone.

I was amongst a large group of people all able to walk and work. We was in what used to be a cattle farm barn. There were older people and people who used to be sick there but they had been given some kind of medication that healed their sickness so they could could do work.

The ones who were to sick for the healing medication were gone. My dad was able to walk and do things because of 'their' medication but it did not seem good nor a blessing. Him and I were in this cattle barn and someone, whomever they were- I could not see them, began herding us all into the fenced in run ways that lead to the trucks that load up the cattle.

But the fenced in run ways where real high, to high for us to climb unlike the cattle run ways on farms. People began getting panicy wondering where we were being loaded up and taken to. My dad and I were at the end of the group. I could not see just what was happening up at the front where people were being loaded unto the semi but there was commotion and it was giving off a scary feeling. People were making a ruckus up front and it made it to where no one could be loaded unto the semi trailer.

So we all waited around in the cattle run way. Many of the people seemed

to blindly and stupidly follow and excepting whatever fate this was to be.

A VERY tall thin blond haired man was in the crowd of people, he kept coming into my view and he appeared to 'know something'. He kept watching me and my dad. He was an angel and no one else seemed to know it.  He was in his 30s or 40s.My dad and I kept looking around for ways to escape but there were none.It was not winter, no snow, not cold, not hot but leaning on the cool side. Looked to be fall time or early spring before the greenery bursted threw but that could be because that is what I am seeing that a lot right now so that is probably why it showed up in my dream.

I dont know the ending.

Sin and evil all around us and in us. It is hard to be rid of, it follows and stalks us. It harms families.

Dream typed out Jan 17, 2009

Sin all about us and in us.

Thursday night before I went to sleep I prayed and asked God to please help me understand if there is any meaning to some of my dreams and what the meanings are.

I had a dream that was very vivid and clear and as soon as I woke up I knew the meaning of it. There was this nice fancy house up in the mountains surrounded by woods, nature, back a long lane with no neighbors and had a body of water near by. So it was kind of a earthly paradise so to speak, The house had lot of tall thick glass windows all over it allowing in the view of nature and the sunshine. The house was equipped with modern fancy handy gadgets. Large outdoor porches and decks. A very beautiful, comfortable fancy home in deed with perfect climate for comfort with in it.

With a home like that no one wanted to go outside very often. But there was a reason no one wanted to go outside.The outside was infested with evil from hell. The outside was beautiful and real tempting to go explore. But with in those woods were distorted looking evil demonic beings whose soul perpose was to torture, kill and eat each and every human they could catch outside in the beautiful nature.

There was a a giant over sized demonic dinosaur that was snarling and screaming and glad to be eating any human it would come across with pleasure. It seeped of evil to the core even more evil then the demonic creatures roaming about outside. It was next to imposible to escape it, it was so large it stood higher then the tallest trees and could see out over the valley and sniff out about anyone hiding.

I had ran threw the woods and nature hiding from the dinosaur and creatures. A group of people were ruining with me. One by one many of them got eaten by the dinosaur, some of them thought they could outsmart the creatures and lost the battle and ended up being tortured and eaten by those distorted demonic creatures.

All while this was happening the woods was still so beautiful and lovely but it could no longer be enjoyed for that because the overwelming fear and evil now running threw the woods stold the joy of being in the woods like when people first started out in the woods.So alone I found my way to this wonderful beautiful mansion out in the middle of no where that I described above.

The doors were not locked and I was welcomed in. For whatever reason the dinosaur and creatures were not allowed to get into this house or get to close to it but they were close enough to be seen and heard outside gathering around the house always watching and listening for their chance to grab anyone who came out of that house. They had their battle gear in hand and always ready. Always.

With in the house was a small amount of people. A family. A middle aged wife and husband with some kids and a few others.Even tho the house was perfect in every way the people with in were not. They could still choose to be imperfect, they could also choose to go outside if they wanted. There was some trouble with in that house because the husband suddenly came down sick and could no longer walk or care for himself. He needed people to diaper, bathe, feed, dress, medicate and take total care of him.

The wife and others seemed upset about this and seemed to think it was his own fault.Since I used to work in the medical field I was chosen to help take care of that man for the day. He was unloving, kind of rude and grouchy and had an air of "something is not right" about him. But still he was allowed to remain in the house.

His behaviors were upsetting everyone and making the entire household not function with joy and happiness like it should be. The wife, kids and other people began trying to avoid him because of his actions. So I got stuck being his only caretaker. He would get messy and I would have to clean him. I would wipe and wipe and clean and clean him and still the mess would not come off, it would only smear and spread around on his handicapped body.

I started getting really frustrated and he was getting after me, I started wanting to throw him outside to the demonic creatures that were standing around looking in the windows watching us but I didn't. I was wanting to get away from that man so bad even I wanted to try and run into the woods to get away from him but I knew those demons would catch me and devour me if that dinosaur did not.

So I choose to stay with in the safe confines of the lovely home.In the rooms where the man was not in was peaceful, lovely, joyful and nice even tho his family had some fear and disgust with him.That man was causing the entire house to have issues. This beautiful safe lovely house had troubles with the people with in it.

The demonic creatures were getting closer to the house. Keep the doors shut! I knew to keep the doors shut! The man lay on the floor by the door so close to rolling out the screen door.

The dream meaning:

When I woke up I knew its meaning almost right away. It was about Christians.The demonic creatures represented actual demons that are all about us and always trying to trip us up and make us sin and mess our relationship up with God.

The over sized evil of evilest dinosaur represented satan himself.The lovely house represented our relationship and walk with God as Christians. The protection of God all around us.

The safety of our souls in Gods hands, we have freedom and can go to that house and we have the freedom to choose to be stupid and leave that house by going outside and sinning thus hurting our walk with the Lord. Even as Christians our choices to sin can greatly damage us and even kill us.

But still even as we mess up we are still in the confines of God because we are His children.The man represented a Christian who choose sin and was stubborn and would not give in to God and allow God to help him make better choices in life. This man was bringing sin into this house and his family thus making them all suffer.

The dirt AKA sin could not be wiped away from him with his or anyones elses acts of works. And sin is filthy and spreads like crazy just like the dirt on this man. It would not come off not until he asked God to help him get rid of it and restore the relationship to God.

The man had been healthy and then his sinful actions(whatever they were) brought him down until he was helpless and lost in his sin and unable to get out on his own. Not even someone with training could get him out of it (me) it had to be God and the man calling out to God which he never did in the dream.

The lovely woods and nature represented how sin can be fun and seem oh so joyful and beautiful at first. So very tempting. It lures us in and grabs us and destroys our walk with God, our families, our jobs and everything around us.

But it is so tempting, it comes across as so innocent and peaceful just like the mountains and woods surrounding the house. And then its affects strikes. It reaches out and grabs and devours. It robs the joy and peace. It kills. It is sin and the evil forces all around.

A family in fear, people around them froozen in time.

Dream typed out on Sept 25, 2008.

In the dream the wife carried a very young baby, possibly newborn, and another young but walking child followed you both.

But the walking child was sheltered and kept in front of the parents so that others could not see the child. I could not see the child but knew him or her was there. The wifes hair was wore long and straight and down. The parents did not speak to anyone and kept your distance from everyone. Others stood around almost frooze in time.

The young child and the wife ,who was holding the baby, were watching a bit nervous and was in this old house standing in the kitchen at the bottom of an old stair way with a door.

The couple looked around at everyone and then at me and went up the stairs into the dark and shut the door. The child lead the way up the dark stairs. It was quiet. No one else would go up those stairs, to scary and dark up there.

T-shirts on hangers all next to each other kept coming into focus. I don't know what their importance was. No mass kaos and death and gore like in my many other dreams but there was a since of fear but not a strong since of fear. I was not freaked out or panic stricken in this dream. I was just an observer I guess.The dream has stayed with me all these months and I have no idea what it means, if anything, but when I woke up I prayed for that couple and kids.

I know that many Christians do not believe in the power God can do in dreams/visions and how God can use them like He did with Jacob and others. But I know them to sometimes, not always, be from God. God has protected me and helped me in my dreams. I call on Jesus for help in some of my dreams and instantly I feel the Holy Spirit enter my dream and engulf me in safety. God has lead me to answers in my dreams. Sometimes my dreams are just plain stupid stuff the mind is playing out for no reason. I am not a guru evil psychic or anything like that. No way. Would not want to be. But I am open enough in my spirit and mind to know that God can and has spoke to me in my dreams. Just like He has to many others.

Demonic influences over take America, world wide natural disater and flooding.

Dream typed out on Sept 14, 2008

My dream last night:

Some one had taken over America and many ppl were dead and or missing. The children were all gone so were the old people. Couples were split up and taken to different places.I ,as well as others, were taken to far away places out on the ocean to stay but not freely. It was kind of like a prison complex. No freedom but we could all roam around with in the island prison and talk to each other. My husband was not there.

There was not many humans left anymore. They seemed to be mostly all gone. Not very crowded anymore. In fact I did not see even animals or notice much signs of life at all. Even the woods and ground seemed kind of baren.

Some of the prisoners some how had been able to either escape or be released back to the mainland and when they came back they said it was not safe at all on the main land and most ppl would most certainly be killed for sure if they go back there. And if they did not get killed they would be caught and taken to a much worse place.The ocean had changed.

What used to be the shores of the ocean were gone and underwater and the ocean shore was now at Indiana (my state). The new shore was near my home. I dont even know if it was the coean or not. It could have been a new massive large body of water. I live in northern Indiana kind of between lake Michigan and Lake whatever it is called.Some ppl both in the island prison and on the main land were talking about starting to eat eachother because they were hungry.

Some how I managed to get off the island and back to mainland near to my home. My kids were gone and I could see that my husband had been there because he some how got free from the prison he had been in. He was different tho. He was in survivor mode and always going around in search of food and survival supplies. He was very focused on trying to protect us but kept mindlessly searching and looking around.

Our land looked different. Other surviviors straggled in once in a while. There was a since of calm fear and everyone quietly knew 'they' could come around the bend and kill us at any time, (whoever 'they' is I don't know).I did not see them but knew there was weird never saw before creatures killing and eating ppl.

Evil hell bent creatures that were large and horrid looking. But I never saw them I just knew they were there and could feel their presence close by. We had to scurry about quietly so as not to let the creatures know we were out and about.It would go from night time to day time. In the day time there was no rain,no wind, Calm weather. The sunshine was not shinning brightly because it seemed to be cloudy or something.PPl walked about kind of zombie like.

Not too many ppl around tho because most had been taken, eaten or killed. I did not see dead bodies and guts like I so often do in dreams. The ppl were calmer then in most of my other dreams. Almost emotionless just moving about like a zombie.In the dream I had a feeling that way off in the distance in other locations of the country and world that bad wars were taking place.

Sever war and distruction so I knew I did not want to leave the area I was in because it was calmer.I had the feeling the wars were in the east I think, the south east. And the prison I was in was in the west. I knew I did not want to go south or north because something bad was there. More war and evil I think. The north had a since of nothingness now. The south had a since of death.

The west had a since of imprisonment. The zombie like ppl would come from the north. No one came from the south, the south seemed kind of dead or something. I just knew I had to stay right were I was. I knew that in the south east there was big giant evil horrid looking creatures and ppl ingaged in war fighting and killing. I dont know who was fighting whom.

Run down dirty building and small room serves to remind me to be thankful.

Dream typed out on July 25, 2008

Last night I dreamed that I had to live in this old apartment building in an uninsulated wooden small room with a dusty chewed up single sized bed/mattress. NO bedding. No furniture. no electric , no heat no AC. Cob webs. No windows. No locks on the shabby door.Questionable types of ppl outside in the hall way.

I was afraid as a female being alone in that room. But there was also many ppl in this building who understood the troubles of eachother and did not harm eachother. Just a bare room with that nasty bed. A giant hole was chewed in the bottom of the door by rats and they would get into the small room I lived in.

Out side there was many rich and poor folks. The rich seemed to go on in life ignoring the needs of the many poor ppl who lived in this run down rat infested apartment building.The rooms had no toilets. One had to walk down a dark dusty thin hallway to get to the restroom that everyone shared. It was filthy.

I woke up thought about it and knew that dreams meaning. It had something to do with me being ungrateful for what I have because I have been flustered at how run down our place is and how we don't have the funds to fix up the place and it embarrasses me because I would like to have ppl over to visit more often but feel like I cant.

It also served to remind me that a great deal of the worlds population lives with things like rats, dust, no electric and filth around them and there is nothing they can do about it.

Demonic old town full of death

This dream was from July 18, 2008

Last night I had a very disturbing dream that perhaps someone may have an opinion on. My husband said I was hitting, flopping about, scratching and carrying on in my sleep last night. I even elbowed him in the eye painfully. That is when he woke me up by talking to me. When he told me that I knew I had to have been moving about in my sleep because of a very disturbing dream I had. We talked about it. He is OK with me telling my dreams. He does not know what to make of this dream. Here is the dream:

(I had been at a family and friends reunion near a big old house in this small town and for whatever reason I wanted to go to this old house and became a part of its tour leaving the family reunion behind as I walk threw the thick tall pretty bushes.)

Something deadly and terrible had happened in this one small town. Many of the towns population were dead.But to speak of what happened was never done. It was not to be spoken of. Only a few survivors remained and they had repressed memories of the horrid events. I was one of them but did not know it.As time went on the towns population grew and life went on. The horrible event that took place had happened in this very old wooden multi roomed very large house.

Now that the town was growing and starting to thrive again a group of conservative Christians took over that old building and cleaned it up and made plans to use it for Gods glory to help the needy and so on. There seemed to be a variety of Christian denominations supporting the effort. After the repair and clean up work was done the Christan group started giving the towns people tours of the house. But 1st they blessed the house and thought it was cleansed of any evil.

The house was not finished yet or decorated yet. It was just cleaned and looked old fashion and aged but repaired. It and the entire town had an old look to it like from the 1700s or the 1800s. The town was on a large wide river and the house was in close eye sight of the river. It was not a big giant town. Lots of pretty well kept tall bushes around the house.The woman giving the towns 1st tour of the house was wearing very modest clothing( a skirt, blouse and one of those white head covering things that don't tie under the chin) She was excited to give the tour and tell about the plans for the house.

A man was with her but he was silent. I was in that 1st tour.The tour goes on. ppl are talking about how cool this place will be and how wonderful that someone has turned it into something for the good ( whatever that was). I start having some repressed memories come to the surface of my mind during the tour. In my dream I was remembering bad stuff that had happened to me earlier in the dream when the evil events took place. The woman takes us into this one room and starts pointing and saying how this room will have such and such and be used for this and that. She tries saying what this room was used for in the old days.

When suddenly I look at one spot in particular in the room and point and say "that is where it happened!" As soon as I say that everyone looks at me. I then realize that I was one of the only survivors of the past events and I had just surfaced a repressed memory. Everyone in the group looks at me. And then their attention is drawn towards the spot I indicated because as soon as I said what I said a demonic being started appearing out of a small spot in the air and ripped the spot wide open to come out. It was beastly and horrid looking and brought with it a since of over whelming terror and fear.

It moved its eyes about looking at us all. Ppl began screaming and flipping out. Trying to run and get out of that room. But the demon reached out and grabbed them . He was fat and repulsive looking with tenticle like things that reached out to ppl.The demon was kind of pushed aside by a fiery light behind it in the hole in the air it made and more demonic beings came threw that hole but none as horrid looking as the 1st demon. He seeemd to be the main demon and the one in control. Blood appeared on the walls and so did a stench.

I then realized that the room had somehow turned into what it looked like when the past events happened ( I'm still not sure what those events were but all I know is that whatever it was it caused me and my family to be on the run and that is how we got to this town). I could not smell the stench but I knew it was there.As the demons were coming out of the hole ppl were yelling at me and saying that by me talking about the unspeakable it invited the evil to come back. That I should have not spoken of it. It some how opened a door way to evil to come in.

Ppl on the tour for whatever reason had some of their pet cats and dogs with them. The demonic beings began posessing the pets and the pets started acting savage. Ppl were running around the room trying to catch their beloved pets and were heartbroken that their pets were possessed. One man had a gun and said we should kill the pets. So everyone began auguring and debating wither or not the pets should be killed or exorcised.

While they were doing all that the main demon was killing ppl from the group. Screams. crying. Death sounds. Panic. Thick blood with ground or tore up tiny small body parts mixed in it and stuck on the walls and on the demon. The fear and terror was more then words can describe. There was 2 ways to get out of that room with open wide double doors but still no one had enough since to run out those doors.

Some ppl could not run out the doors because the demon had them in his grip. Others just stood by watching or screaming or auguring about their pets and other stuff. They blammed me. They argued over how to escape. The tour guide woman gets attacked by a demon but for some reason not killed like the others.

She some how manages to run off out of those doors and into the other parts of the house screaming in terror. A demon goes after her. I don't know what happened to her after that. I hear her running and scream-talking telling what was happening to a group of her ppl who were downstairs and had started to come upstairs to see what the ruckas was. The man who had been with her was killed I think. I got the feeling that the demon got downstairs and to that womans group of ppl.

I kept saying something like "in the name of Jesus stay away from me". I prayed. I said it over and over and the demon did not get close to me but still I did not run out those doors. I don't know why. For some reason I could not get out those doors. But nothing blocked the doors other then an occasional demon but I did not want to go out those doors and into the other rooms anyways because I was afraid of being in that house.

I did not want to go into any more rooms. But I could see into the one big room and it looked like nothing was going on in that room. It almost looked too inviting. A smaller demon was hovering by the door into that room smiling and pointing for me to try going in there. He watched me intently. His eyes were so real. They kept trying to invite me into that room.

It did look peaceful in that room. No blood or gore in there. But I refused to go in there.By this time suddenly my kids were with me. I don't recall them being with me in the 1st part of the dream. I take them to a window and instruct them to jump out of the window where a few bystanders was watching and listening to the kaos and screams.

There was 4 or 5 windows in the room each with a pretty thin see threw curtain that was slightly blowing in the breeze. I choose one window at the end of the room behind the demon to use as our escape. The scenery out the window looked so beautiful with thick lush green grass and giant trees and bushes everywhere. I saw rolling hills and thick forrest and that wide winding river with big boats in it.

It was so quiet outside, it was still. It wasnt right. I saw old homes. I dont recall seeing to many modern things. All while I am doing this the demon is still killing ppl in this room but he cant touch me or my kids. Suddenly one of my dogs is with us and gets possessed. I have the kids wait by the window. They are hugging eachother and very afraid. They watch me go for my dog to find him possessed. I cant kill him, I love him. What do I do? I think. I watch him. I pray over and over. The kids started begging me to come help them out the window.

A man is screaming at me to kill my dog with his gun. The kids are pleading and crying to go out the window. No one else seems to want to go out the window. No one else seems to have enough smarts to even think about jumping out the window. Why only me? I see a possessed cat that is attacking others. Its owner is wailing and crying and confused. I keep praying and saying " in the name of Jesus .................". Outloud I say something like " but Jesus can fix him!" ( meaning my dog, I had lost hope for that cat but my dog seemed to be in the begining stages of this possession) I repeat " Jesus can fix him! ". I insist on it.

I hold the dog down as he is snarling and foaming. I pray over him. I don't know what happened to the dog because something ( I don't know what) happened for the worse and I know I must get out of the house so I get the kids out the 2nd story window and jump out the window myself to get to my kids. Then I am on the grassy beautiful shady lawn outside the window with my kids. It is a relief.

I dont want to look behind me at that house and especially not at that window up there. Me and the kids start walking off towards where the family and friends reunion had been. I want to get as far away from that house and town as I can. I get the since that I should be heading in what I presume to be the north. I look in that direction. The family and friends reunion was in what I presume to be the east.I don't see my husband in the dream. But I since that he is near but cant find us.

The dreams go on from there but I don't remember much more then that. I know that me and the kids set out to find my husband. I just some how knew in the dream that the entire world was in an uproar. The country was in major upheavel and demonic forces were behind it.NO I have not been watching or reading any scary stuff. I don't play around with cultic stuff and I don't mess with pagan junk.

I say that because those always seem to be the 1st things a person asked when people describe dreams like that. Nothing drastic or real different is happening in my life. I am not sick. I am not on any medications other then my typical insulin. I am not currently taking any new herbs or supplements.

What do you suppose it all means?

Just dream info and thoughts.

I am a very lucid and vivid dreamer who dreams in great detail and can actually feel, smell and taste in my dreams. I can stop a dream I don't like and start up another dream subject. I am often, if not most of the time, conscience in my dreams.I believe that my dreams come from 3 differant sources.
1- [They are just my mind playing stuff out and being the typical dream mind . These are the types of dreams I will change the most often.

2- Evil forces trying to enter my dreams and cause me misstrust and fear which is NOT from God.

I have not been able to stop these very disturbing dreams from happening but when this category of dream happens it goes away for the night when I say " in the name of Jesus leave me NOW!".

Since the other 2 types of dreams are not from evil forces I don't need to say that in those dreams even tho they will sometimes be disturbing. Actually these dreams have decreased a lot compared to what it used to be like. I pray before bed about it. I beleive these dreams are the devils way to confuse me and cause misstrust and fear in my hart about God. A way to disturb my relationship with God.

3- Dreams from God that help me.

There is no control when these types of dream take place. I may still be conscience during these dreams but not able to disrupt or change them like I can the others. I have sat straight up from a deep sleep after having a dream about someone I have never met or someone I have not saw/spoken to in over 20 years. I take this to mean I need to pray for them for whatever reason. I will most likely never know why I needed to pray for them. I may never see or talk with them but for whatever reason I must pray for them and bring them before God in prayer. I sometimes will see their faces and hear their names and know that they are real and living on this earth somewhere and need prayer.I have also had dreams that tell me where lost items are. This just happened again recently to me.

I believe it is God helping me because after all I did ask Him where such and such item was and to help me find it. So He did.I could go on and on about dreams I have had from God that have prepared me for certain situations and so on. I don't think they are just for us to pray but sometimes to prepare us for something either mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or all of them.

Some people don't like to hear about my scary dreams ( the scary ones that ARE NOT from evil forces) because everyone says they sound to much like we think the end times will be. Because there is no children in the dreams. No old ppl. Only those who are able to run, hide, and survive amongst complete and total upheaval and distruction. No food, tainted water, diseases everywhere, all those who believe in Jesus are being chased and tortured by an unseen force. Bla bla bla it goes on and on. I wish I could change and or stop those dreams by saying in the name of Jesus be gone.

But since those dreams are not from evil forces it wont work. I have no idea why I have to dream them. I know Im going to heaven as soon as the rapture takes place, but I do know that destruction can happen to us before the rapture takes place. Im hoping and praying it doesn't. But awful stuff is happening to Christians in some other countries so why couldn't it happen here also some day? Scary stuff. Makes me pray pray pray.I still sometimes suffer with the meaning behind dreams. There seems to be no clear answer sometimes. Sometimes it is just the mind flipping out and doing its thing.

I typed all that incase any of my experiences might give ya some idea/help or whatever.I know dreams are not for everyone. But there are some of us who do dream and have done so all of our lives. For me sleeping is like watching a movie in my head. Sleeping can be very entertaining sometimes. LOL.