God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Monday, August 5, 2013

His Names Floating Up to Him / Anointed Music

Sometimes there are Christians who have a special anointing in their singing voices and their ability to play instruments. Their voice and music has the God made ability to touch ones soul and spirit in many ways. I do not have that gifting but I sure am thankful that some do. Natalie Grant's song "Your Great Name"  is one of those songs that for me I feel the anointing in it as it has touched me.
Here is a youtube link for it:

There has been times when Im playing this song that I lean my head back and close my eyes. Often times when I do that I see encouraging things to comfort me or something comforting about someone I know. I wish it were more acceptable in society to tell the person the comforting visions/mental videos/mental pictures I sometimes get about them although if done calmly, privately and in good timing with God's anointing there are times when I can do so.

One of the mental videos I got tonight while this song was playing was this:
 I was in the air (I guess?) where I could see the USA via being on the west coast and looking out over the land in all the 48 states main land. I could see all the names for God in thick white letters coming up from the country all over the place and going straight up to Him.

My position in the air changed and I was then able to see a thick wide bright white tunnel was connected to the earth were the USA is as if it were a vacuum sucking it up, the words gently kept going up through the tunnel until it reached Him. I was then seeing the world as I "floated" in space seeing the tunnel from the outside.

I was then inside the tunnel floating as the words kept coming. I could reach out to touch them. At one point I reached up and caught ahold of the name Jesus as it carried me along with it as it sprung white wings and started flying. It took me to the entrance of the tunnel where a very large hand reached out for me to sit on, the skin color of the hand was always changing looking like the skin colors of all the people on earth-black-white-red-yellow-brown.

Just like the song says "Your Great Name", those words were of the many ways we know Him as in all the languages and ways we call Him. They were the names of the Lord being spoke from His children and being gently drawn to Him as soon as they left the lips of His saints.

Since I am from the USA I saw it from that point of view but the names of the Lord float up all around the world in every country. They all reach Him, He receives them all. He knows them all. He hears you. He knows you. He loves you.