God speaks to us anyway that we are gifted and for some of us that is via dreams/visions/mental pictures/etc. Some use the words Christian seer, Christian empath, Christian prophet, Christian [insert whatever]. I don't use those words because they are man made names given to what others think you should be if you display certain symptoms. I don't know what I am when it comes to labels. But I do know that I am a lover of Freedom and Heaven and because of Jesus I have both! :)

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Shoot Him In The Head? I Cant. And The Blue Snake.

The dream took place sometime in Jan, Feb or March 2013:
In my dreams snakes represent demons and in this case probably a person who chooses to serve the demons in major evilness.

It was yet again in another dream of a post war type world where people roamed around trying to survive in a trashed non working world.

I was with a group of others and sometimes we were kids, sometimes teens and sometimes adults. We was wandering through a forrest.

A group of bad guys in a horse drawn large wagon thing come along and captured us and took us to a building. The fermale and male sleeping rooms were not close together. The female room had mats on the floor and was a bright white color compared to the rest of the building. Like a white room with white sleeping maps that sometimes were red and blue mats.

The man over seeing us had us be slaves and work in that large factory type building. He made us work very hard and was a cruel, unloving slave master. He held a whip and often used it on us. We were all terrified of him to the point that we was afraid to even whisper in our sleeping room for fear he might hear what we was saying and beat us more. He had a feel of hell's evil all around and about him.

But the slave master had a boss over him but I never saw that boss but I did know that he was even more evil then the slave master. The slave master was a short person (what we used to call a midget).

Some how we and the males in our group got to sneak around and discuss our escape. Me and some of the other females were in our bright white sleeping room on our floor mats when one of the males came to the door to say it was time to put our plan (whatever that was) in action and get the tar out of there.

Outside people was making noises and attacking the slave master boss men and taking over the horse drawn giant wagon that had suddenly became a large and long tanker of some sort with a wagon type thing to hull loads of people. The slave master boss men screamed in pain as they got beat and killed outside. They were shocked that we slaves could and would take over so strongly and quickly. It was a suprise blitz attack.

They brought the midget slave driver that terrified us into our sleeping room and to me. They had beat him up badly and he was holding still and near death. The fear we once had of him was dying. I had him in a head lock where the back of his head was facing me and his head in my bent arm. He was barely alive from being beaten so badly but was not bloody.

They then gave me a gun and told me to shoot him. They kept saying "shoot him!" I had him in my left arm and the  hand gun in my right hand and pointed it towards the back of his head but I just could not pull the trigger. I knew he was a horrible evil man but I just could not kill another human being.

Suddenly he turned into a small snake that was a baby blue coloring with a wide head. He was then strong again and no longer slow with pain and injury. He was a posionous snake and planning to attack and bite us so that we would die a terrible death from his venum. I then had a large knife in my right hand and either me or another person ( I think me) cut his head off killing him.

I think the portion with me not being able to shoot him when he was a human is because I cant ever see myself killing another human being but if I had to I could kill a dangerous posionous snake.

My Brother, The Steep Hill and The Moss Alligator

Dream from Feb or March 2013:

In my dreams most reptiles represent demons. (dinosaurs, snakes, alligators, crocodiles, ect)

My youngest brother and I was on a trail in the woods along a river.
Suddenly we came apon a steep hill that looked hard to climb up. I wasnt looking forward to the tiring climb.

I knew family members were at the top somewhere having a gathering of some sort.

In the river to my right was an alligator made out of moss. It was flat on the top as it followed us as we walked on the tail along the river.

My brother had some how found a bike and was panstakenily struggling hard to ride that small kids bike up that steep hill. At the top of the hill was his wife watching him and kind of cheering him on. My mom was up there somewhere to the left some what able to see him biking the steep hill but remianing quiet. (he has a serious and painful bone disease which makes it hard on him to keep working and getting by but he keeps pushing and does not cave in to give up with Gods help--that is how I interpet that part of the dream)

Meanwhile as my brother was struggling to get up the hill on the bike I was still at the bottom and was deciding to try a new way to get up the hill. I saw a tree right smack beside the river and growing up the hill. It was all bent and easy to climb on and grab a hold of the small branches to pull myself up but it was very tiring and hard. I was having a time of it. But before I could make it up the hill the moss alligator was right there at the shore watching me and I was afraid it might now be able to bite me, before that I wasnt too afraid of it since it was made of moss. I dont know what I used but I chopped it in half and it was then gone.

Then the dream ended.

Fasting and Prayer: Black Skeletons Biting Me

Dream took place some time from 2010 to 2012 during the time of  great unheavel, sorrow and intense spitual attacks.

I was sitting alone in my living room as many black colored skeletons were biting me all over my body. I could not fight them off or even stand up to do so. I felt the horrible pain of their bites. They were terrifyingly scary with the fear of hell all around them.

In the dream I was loudly repeating  things like "In the name of Jesus leave me alone!!!!" But they never stopped. I was crying, yelling, pleading in the name of Jesus. It was the 1st time, that I can remember, that saying "in the name of Jesus..." in my dreams did not work.

Finally after a while I heard a voice out of nowhere that says: "these are the types that only fasting and prayer can make them go away"

I then I remembered that verse in the Bible were Jesus said the same thing. I knew it applied to the current events and trilals going on in my life at that time.

All White Room With Turtles With A Post War Envirnment With Zombie Like People.

Dream from April 26, 2013

I was in a massive sized building like a factory that was out of work and in somewhat poor repair I think. It was drab and dark with no color. Some people were around but did not look my way or talk. It was as if people were hanging out in there for shelter. There was a spot far off in the middle of the factory that I did not get close to. It was not drab and dark like the outer parts of the factory, it had lights on and power and had working machines and people.

Outside the factory it appeared as though it was some kind of post war toren up world with quiet, shell shocked zombie like people slowly and mindlessly walking about outside and in the factory.

I had walked through the factory and went up some stairs. To the right was a door that was opened. I walked down the short hallway to it. A bright white light shown out. As I walked into the room I saw that the ceiling, floor and walls were all a bright, almost too blinding bright, white. On the left wall of the room was a crudely made counter or perhaps you could call it a table that was attached to the wall. It too was the same white as the rest of the room.

My husband and I was in the middle of the room as I was trying to watch over the 2 painted turtles. Sometimes they were my own 2 painted turtles and sometimes they were not. I had to walk them by letting them walk around on the floot to get exersize. My husband thought I was silly for doing that and left the room. The door stayed open.

The turtles kept trying to walk all over the place and I was afraid Id lose them and they'd get hurt. The female turtle climbed the counter table thingy and got stuck up there and titled. I was afraid she'd fall and get hurt or get rolled over on her back and die from being stuck that way.

The other turtle moved about but mostly stayed right smack in the middle of the bright white room.

Then the dream ended.

White Circular Platforms Floating and The Hospital

The week of April 23, 2013 I had these dreams:

1st dream:
I had been in a large bathtub or perhaps a whirlpool that clung to the outside of a hospital. The city and everything but me was in black and white and very still and hopeless. I stayed in the large bathtub as it sometimes had water and sometimes did not. I peeked over its tall sides to look in the window at the nurses working. They had on the old fashion white outfits with the nurses caps. I then got out (yes I was dressed) and climbed in the window and over the nurses desk with the paperwork and computer on it. I saw nurses walking in and out of the rooms doing their work.

1 nurse with a white sweater on over her nurses uniform,saw me and yelled at me and told me to get out and that I could not come in. She was in her 50s or 60s and a bit fat or perhaps you could say chubby but not obese. Light brownish short probably permed hair. She was not a tall person. Her face made her seem as if she must be the B word type of lady. Not a happy person.

I knew that to the right in that section was someone I knew but I dont know who it was. I felt like some of my family members were in there but I didnt know for sure.

The entire city was a drab black and white gray like on black and white TVs. Barely any movement in the city. A drab sad looking city that sat on the very edge of an ocean. This is the same city I saw in the below dream #3.

2nd dream:
I was on a floating almost all white circle being an actor in a circus play where we had to drop from the floating circle on ropes to do tricks and say our lines for the audience. I was taking the place of the normal actor. We saw a large body of water in the distance.
Two of the main actors fell I think because their ropes broke. It was 2 men.  The1 man had dwarfism.
They both laid on the ground dead and still. The Dwarf stayed dead but the other man some how came back to life weakly. Before the 1 man came back to life I was looking apon their dead faces and feeling sadness in my heart that they died. I silently prayed for them and the entire situation.
It felt like they had died because of something evil doing that to them. It did not feel as if they were in Heaven :(
As they laid there dead I saw where some how as they fell their bodies had come together as if they were conjoined twins stuck together at the head but the fall separted them making their heads and faces seem real distorted. But before my eyes the head and face of the man who came back to life began looking normal. He then got up wondering what happened.

3rd dream:
I was floating on an all white circle over a large body of water by myself. I think it was an ocean. I saw a big city in the distance. It seemed to be in oppression of some sort. I didnt want to float near it and did not.

Friday, April 26, 2013

White Horse April 24, 2013

I dont remember the rest of the dream now. But on the night of April 24, 2013 I clearly remember dreaming that I was riding on an all white horse out in a thinlny wooded forrest off of the trail towards some unknown people who were a ways away and on both sides of the area I was riding on.

The horse was racing ultra fast and I hung on like crazy for fear that I might fall off. I wondered if this is how people on out of control scared racing horses feel.

Ive been seeing a lot of the color white in my dreams recently.

Seeing Into Heaven Vision and New Changes Since 2010

I see that I have not posted on this blog since 2009.
Much has happened since I lasted posted on here. I hope to go into more detail later. I DO NOT speak of my visual gifts to seek praise for myself. I know Who the Owner is of these dreams and visions and it is NOT me. It is Him, the Lord. We are all gifted differently and that is my gift.

Some of our gifts are just not as accepted or believed in so therefor we get thrown by the way side and thought of as "odd", "weird" "wrong" ect. This is a lie from hell. If your God given spiritual gift is one that is not believed in and you know it is from the Lord then let me advise you to use His power to lift yourself up to use your gift. Dont let that gift go unused. To do so is a sickening shame that ought to not be.

When I have the time I want to write the 3 year account of the massive spiritual attack, warfare and oppression that has been going on in my life. I also want to share the dreams and visions that warned me and that God used to prepare me.

Being one who is seeminly ungifted I know the pain of the rejection from not only the Christian community but from everyone. I keep most of it to myself because of all that. Thankfully I have found some Christian friends that believe in the Bible fully and know that like it says in the Bible dreams and visions are a gift from Him.

DO NOT let yourself be downtrodden because your church thinks the only usuable gifts are things like singing, playing music, teaching, praying, preaching,missions and tending the nursary. Those are much needed gifts but so is the lesser known ones. How many people have let their gifts lay low going to waist because of the deception that certain gifts dont occure these days? All too many Im afraid.

Because of the spirtual warfare and trials Ive had all of my life but especially since 2010 my spirit has grown. NO, Im not perfect, I still make mistakes, but now, finally now I am seeing and feeling God in a more supernatural spiritual way.

Last night and this moring for unknown reasons I have felt a heaviness on me. Ive prayed, read my Bible and pleaded. I confessed my poor attitude. I played praise music. The heaviness is still lingering but lifting. I am the type to want answers fast and I wanted the answer NOW. Hurry and wait seems to be my motto. But perhaps not today for a most reassurring vision came to me this morning after my pleading in prayer.

The Vision Below:
I had been feeling that deep mourning deep down in my soul and felt that feeling in my chest where it seems the soul resides and feels at the most. I cried in prayer not even knowing fully what I was saying or praying for.

I got the thought to close my eyes and shut up as the praise music was playing. So I did. As I did I saw myself in a forrest dressed like a warrior of the old anceint days with an impressive sword in my hand. Demons surrounded me in a circle. I saw myself swinging that long heavy bright sword around in a circle cutting them all in half.

I then walked to a different location in the woods and come to a tree with branches far above my head that could not be reached. Once again a circle of demons appeared around me and I swung the sword in a circle again cutting them in half making them go away. 

I then saw on the trunk of the tree a red colored fruit that resembed an apple. It was on an ultra tiny stem that was so short that the fruit looked like it was kind of embedded into the trunk. I picked it and ate it.

Then the forrest started splitting apart just enough for a golden path to appear not far from me. I walked to the path and began walking down it. Soon the forrest around the path began thinning out as the path widened to reveal a large body of water on a sandy beach with a row boat sized boat awaiting me. I got in the boat with my sword in my hand as the boat took us far out onto the body of water and to an island with God's beautiful woods and nature. A ways back from the island beach was a massive sized bright white gateway door. It had 2 very tall large angels gaurding it one on each side. The angels were bright white like the door. It stood out amongst the jungle green of its surroundings.

I some how climbed the door to see what was behind it since the angels didnt budge to open the door or even talk to me. It was almost as if they didnt even see me.

Then the vision changed and I began seeing myself as my minds eyes stood back on the beach looking at me up on that door peering over it. I saw myself not moving up there. I appeared to be amazed at what I saw and felt. I believe that was my spirit that was only allowed to see and hear what was behind that door. Then I was back in the vision body and down off the wall and back on the island beach except for now I was no longer dressed as the fighting warrior with the sword of defense. I was now dressed in new garmets that were bright white like the gate and angels. My sword was gone as was the boat.

I then began almost kind of skimming on the water on my belly with my arms stretched out by my sides as if I was flying. I quickly did that until I reached the beach where I had 1st encountered the boat.

I knew this meant a new begining for my spirit. A new way. I knew it meant I had saw and felt something amazing behind that door that not even those angels knew what was being said to me. I knew my power via Jesus is now stronger and that I am more able to do some powerful spiritual warfare and that now I am more "untouched" whatever that means. I cant discribe in words for only my minds eye can see and feel it.

There is no power greater then Jesus.

The song by Natalie Grant "I Will Not Be Moved" applies to this vision because I will NOT be moved away from Him. I will NOT!